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Infinity roses from RosenBouquet are real roses that were freshly picked at the time of their most beautiful bloom and preserved for you.


They fill your rooms with color and timeless beauty over the years.


With a lot of love and passion, we have hand-draped the high-quality roses in Switzerland for you.


The white heart box with pink infinity roses is the most beautiful gift idea for your stylish wife or girlfriend. As a living accessory, a bouquet of roses cuts a fine figure in every room.


Order the rose box you want and we will deliver your flowers directly to your home or to the recipient.


The pink Infinity roses can be kept for up to 3 years.


This heart box has the dimensions 17.5 x 16 x 9cm (size Heart M Luxe).


You can find more rose box sizes when you go back to the main shop page, where you can use filters to select your perfect rose bouquet (color of the rose box, price, rose color, size).

White heart box / M Luxe / Pink roses

Rose Color: Pink
Out of Stock
  • The larger the roses, the higher quality and more beautiful the rose box. We drape only the largest and most beautiful roses in our rose bouquets. The number of roses may vary depending on the size of the roses.

    Size Rosen Bouquet

    No. of Roses

    Mass rose Box



    Ø 10.5 x 10.5cm



    Ø 15 x 15cm

    M Luxe


    Ø 17.5 x 17.5cm



    Ø 20 x 20cm



    Ø 22.5 x 22.5cm



    Ø 30 x 30cm

    Heart M


    15 x 14 x 8cm

    Heart M Luxe


    17.5 x 16 x 9cm

    Heart L


    20 x 18 x 10cm

    Box size is incl. inserted lid on the bottom. Slight deviations may occur.

  • Our rose bouquets last the longest at room temperature and in shady places.


    To preserve the life expectancy and beauty of the conserved roses as long as possible, you must:

    • never water them
    • not expose them to direct sunlight
    • if possible, not touch them (remove dust with a very soft brush or cold hairdryer air)
    • not expose them to low or high humidity
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